MVMNT Conf is a two-day gathering created to fan the flame of a generation and seek God's face. We believe another spiritual awakening is coming, and we’re crazy enough to believe it will come through us. This isn’t a rally or, like church as you know it, it’s quite simply an encounter with the presence of God.
This isn’t about one church but about The church. D.L. Moody often said, “The world has yet to see what God can do through one man wholly committed to Him”. Our heart is to see a generation rise to that challenge. We invite you to come join the movement.
Childcare is provided.
- Pastor Dustin Bates
- Pastor Josh Carter
- Pastor Becky Johnson
- Pastor Quinton Carter
- Pastor Joel L'hommedieu
- Pastor John L'hommedieu
6:15 PM Check-In/Childcare Opens
6:55 PM Auditorium Opens
7:00 PM Main Session One
9:00 PM After Party
10:00 PM Pick Up
9:15 AM Check-In/Childcare Opens
9:55 AM Auditorium Opens
10:00 AM Main Session Two
12:00 PM Lunch (not provided)
1:00 PM Break Out Sessions
3:00 PM Dinner Break
5:45 PM Childcare Opens
6:30 PM Auditorium Opens
6:30 PM Main Session Four